Cabinet-based generators with up to 8 outputs, extensive I4.0 connectivity and EEI² light user interface, in the frequency ranges LF, MF, HF, DF and SDF®.
Cabinet-based generators with continuous power from 5 to 2000 kW and up to 8 outputs in the frequency ranges LF, MF, HF, DF and SDF®. Equipped with extensive I4.0 connectivity and intuitive EEI² light user interface as well as eQC modules for quality assurance. CUSTOM-LINE generators can be used as a stand-alone solution or for integration into overall systems.
Multiple outputs can heat consecutively ("nA"), heat simultaneously-independently of each other ("xn") or heat simultaneously-symmetrically (":n").
LF (low frequency) 2-6 kHz: for large components and very large penetration depths.
MF (medium frequency) 8-40 kHz: for medium and large penetration depths.
HF (high frequency) 50-400 kHz: for small components and shallow penetration depths.
DF (Dual Frequency, MF and HF sequential): Two frequency ranges switchable (MF with HF) in one generator sequentially available on one inductor.
SDF® (Simultaneous Dual Frequency, MF and HF parallel, patented): Two frequency ranges (MF with HF) in one generator simultaneously on one inductor. The main application is the hardening of gear tooth components: While medium frequencies penetrate deeper into the gear and heat the tooth root, high frequencies ensure the heating of the tooth tip. The simultaneous superimposition of MF and HF results in true-contour gear tooth profile hardening.